The Mini Catalogue - 5th Edition

See the link below to view a pdf copy of our latest Mini Interior Trim Catalogue – now in its fifth edition! In addition to improved product drawings and diagrams, updated photographs and information throughout, there are several new products to note:
- Monte Carlo interior trim. As well as our Mk1 style trim kits for later cars, we are now producing matching retro-design seat covers for all Minis 1970-1992.
- Innocenti and Overseas interior trim. At the rear of the catalogue, we have now devoted much more space to these ranges. Practically everything we have available at present has been listed.
- Early Mk1 Minis. Our entire range and all of our known information has been set out with comprehensive diagrams.
- Rear inside cover. A page of printed material swatches are set out to give a rough idea of the materials available, appropriate to each era of the Mini.
To view an online pdf copy of our new catalogue, please click here!
Alternatively if you would prefer a printed copy please contact our sales team directly on or 01728832880
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