All our materials are carefully sourced to best match the original colours, grains and patterns where possible. Where this has not been possible we offer a range of materials to best suit a variety of design schemes. We source top quality automotive materials and 95% of our raw products are sourced from within the UK.
Not sure of your colour requirements or want to check any of our materials against your original trim? Samples can be sent free of charge anywhere in the world, just contact our sales team.
- Why did you want to become an apprentice?
To gain new skills in a practical environment and to develop my own skills in a working environment.
- What do you enjoy most about being an apprentice?
I enjoy learning new skills each day and interacting with a variety of different people on a daily basis.
- What have you learnt so far?
I have learnt to make different types of seats for many different types of cars and the journey that it takes from the beginning to the end
- Have you taken on any special projects?
One day a week I work on “Table 1” in the cutting department. “Table 1” is a critical area of the factory where I pull together all the pieces that go together into a kit. This includes adding all foams ready to be sewn.
- Why did you choose this particular career path?
I chose this particular career path as textiles and sewing has always been something that I enjoy and was interested in. The training here has allowed me to develop my skills further.
- What have been the highlights for you so far?
The extra activities out of work such as the Christmas party, work bbqs, meals out as well as achieving making a complicated Triumph Spitfire seat as pictured below.
- What do you hope to do once you complete your apprenticeship?
I either hope to continue working here or apply skills that I have learnt to widen my skills to go further